There are many Ferro Concepts knock offs on the market. Some of them are lower quality and some are that close that you will not see any difference. Pew tactical, Semapo and TMC are for sure on this better side. I’ve got Slickster Advanced copy made by TMC for few months right now. In this short review I will give you all the informations about product. All great things and few worse. I want also mention that Weapon762 store send me this product so it’s kind of ”Paid” review but still will be 100% honest because I don’t have many things that are pissing me off. And blog article wasn’t mention when I was talking with them (Blog was created 4-5 months later)

Overall quality

TMC is well known for their quality. It’s TOP Airsoft brand on the market, that makes really high quality stuff. They using original materials, stitching is good and they pay attention to all details. You can see their Crye, Ferro, Eagle and others great brands copies. It’s for sure really good option if you looking for something that will be durable, look good and will be 70% cheaper than original stuff, yet still for Airsoft will be far enough in quality. Same is with this Slickster Advanced copy. Quality in my opinion is same or maybe even slightly better than in Warrior Assault System plate carriers. I had WAS DCS before for quite a long time, and I can’t see any difference between those two. Multicam is same due to it’s original materials, stitching is great… It’s impressive!

Build and purpose

Slickster plate carrier is low profile lightweight vest. Due to used materials (Cordura 500) and laser cut molle system it’s minimalistic and really light. And that was exactly what I was looking for. I needed minimalistic plate carrier with plenty of cargo area for milsims, cqb games and Sunday skirmishes. It has elastic cummerbunds with cargo area in it. It’s great solution if you don’t need to wear body armors. Weight distribution is better, you can easier move around in tight places and this build in mag pouches can be used for many useful items. Extra mags, radios, snacks, tools you can just put anything you want there. In front I’m adding just one triple pouch to keep it low profile. Under it I need to install mini dangler but it will come soon. Due to my Rifle which is HPA powered I need to have my HPA tank in my backpack. Due to it’s slick profile on the back I mounted zipper adapters (also made by tmc) for Crye Zipon backpack clone made by Emerson. In that case I’ve got enough cargo area to operate up to 12 hours without any need of going back to base. I’ve got enough mags, food and water. Few mags are also on my belt and the rest are in zipon backpack. I don’t know why but TMC copy is little bit smaller than standard M plate carrier. It’s shorter for 1-1.5cm. I’m not a tall guy so it’s great for me but I don’t know why it’s made in that way 🙂 Also I love cuts near shoulder. It helps in aiming 😉 and it’s slick shoulder pads are good too. Sure they can’t support your shoulder much but due to it’s low profile it’s easier to wear big backpack and aim. Weight here is not a such a big deal because elastic cummerbunds taking most of it being tucked to your body 🙂

But now few things that I don’t like about it. Elastic material on mag pouches getting stretched too much after time. Not a big deal that is not making any difference but you know. Also due t it’s just slightly smaller size I can’t put my hydration plate in it. It was my lovely solution having water inside plate bag but can’t use it anymore. Last thing is so many retention cords due to it’s cummerbunds and radio pouches. Sure they are necessary when you using them but let’s bet honest Milsims are not that often like Sunday skirmishes where you don’t need this all cargo area.


Overall if you looking for not that expensive but high quality stuff you should consider buying something from TMC. Quality is high, price is not bad but it’s pretty hard to get. In Europe biggest reseller is Weapon762 store and it’s also pretty easy to get it on AliExpress. I will link everything down below! Also check our Facebook group!

My YouTube review of slickster:

Slickster on Weapon762: You can use also my 10% discount code: MichalOFF-weapon762

Slickster on AliExpress:

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