If you ever asked yourself this question you can’t be in the better place!

I know what it feels like on the beginning. Everyone was there! So many questions, very few answers. But don’t worry after reading this short article, you will know everything you need for your first Airsoft event. So I will cut this text into 5 chapters.

1. Basics

2. Gear and how much does it costs to start

3. Protection – specially your eyes

4. Rules and basic knowledge

5. Behavior and attitude 🙂

1. Basics

So Airsoft is exhilarating hobby, where you running around with your Airsoftgun, laughing with your friends, and having fun all day long. It’s all cool right? But at the beginning you probably have many doubts. You asking yourself, what gun should I buy, how much it will cost me to start, will it be shame to come in tracksuit when everyone is running this cool gear, can I start if I don’t have any friends in this hobby? You probably have this and many more other questions, but don’t worry ALMOST EVERYONE was in this place. You don’t need to have friends, wear Gucci pyjamas, and no worries you will not end up being broke.. at the beginning haha:D

Just get rid of all this doubts because you probably found answers for all your questions!

2. Gear and $

Airsoft is expensive hobby – You know how many times I’ve heard that? It’s not. There are 2 options for you at the beginning. Renting/Borrowing or buying. And you should consider both of them, it’s all depend of your situation, where are you located and how much do you really want to spend.

Let’s focus on renting and borrowing first.

At the beginning the best possible option for you is borrowing gear from your friends. Sure you will owe them some beers or big 2L Pepsi bottle, but it’s actually the cheapest way to start. Because look. You don’t know if the hobby is for you. There is no sense of buying stuff at the beginning specially if you are not 100% sure if you like it or not. Just borrow it for first few games, ask many questions to know what should you buy, check what you like and not, and then start collecting gear. It is the cheapest and best option out there.

Second is renting stuff. If there is any local field in your area, there is for 90% possibility to rent the gear. It’s shouldn’t cost you more than 50$ per full day (ticket included). If it’s more change the field or just abandon this idea, and go straight to buying stuff. But ok ok. You rented gear. Once again go check out the sport. Ask questions – believe me Airsoft community is rather friendly specially for newbies, they will answer even to the stupid ones. Check what you like, do you prefer Ak’s do you rather like AR15 platform etc. And have as much fun as it’s possible!

Okay now the part that everyone is interested 🧐 You can start airsoft with just 200-250$. If you have 350-400$ god damn you can feel like a milioner. Basically at the beginning you need 4 things to start. Your Airsoft Rifle, bb’s and battery for your rifle, eye protection. How simple is that? Believe me you don’t need uniform, you don’t need vest, you don’t need red dot. Just focus at decent EYE PROTECTION and rifle. The rest of the things will come in next few months. For 250$ budget you should look around for just simple good glasses with proper protection standard and simple ar15/ak. CYMA is making decent quality stuff in pretty good price. If you are at higher budget still in my opinion you should spend all your money for eye protection and rifle. Because if you invest money in decent quality stuff you will not need to change it for next 2-3 years. So guess what, you will safe some money. For 300-350$ you can have really good weapon that will be not outperformed by the others. Just ask your friends and read some reviews, I didn’t change my rifle for last 4 years so I don’t really know what is the best in quality/price ratio right now.

Why I didn’t mention vest, uniforms, red dots and other stuff? Sure if your budget is 2k go ahead but for most people what I can observe it’s between 300-500$. There is no sense of buying all the gear at the beginning. I will give you 3 reasons + one GOLDEN RULE

  1. You are on the budget. You will spend money probably on the lowest quality vests/helmets/gloves that you will need to change in next 6 months. You will spend money twice and it will make you broke.
  2. You didn’t try wearing plate carrier or helmet yet. If it’s badly fitted you don’t know how uncomfortable it can be. First TRY then BUY
  3. Buy what you need after situation when it was needed. If you buy something that you might think it will be needed at the beginning for 95% it will be bad call and waste of money – we don’t like wasting money.

No worries no one will judge you. You are starting, it’s okay to be in old tracksuit, old snickers or hiking boots. Just focus on game and enjoy the experience.

3. Eye/Face protection

Your eyes will not grow back! Remember that. Decent eye protection with CE EN 166 or STANAG V50 certificates is essential. Check good brands like ESS/BOLLE/OAKLEY/WILEYX/PYRAMEX. Just check them 🙂 never ever buy mesh googles/masks because BB fragmentation is also big problem for your eyes. Also I know getting hit in the face might be uncomfortable for your. Just standard 5$ mesh mask (but only for mouth) or balaclava with mesh inside will be enough.

Link for cheap balaclava

Link for cheap mask

4. Rules&Knowledge

You will learn about few basic mechanics here.

Hop- up and Hop up chamber. You probably heard that and you asking yourself what is it? It’s adjustable piece of rubber inside your chamber that putting backspin on your bb’s due to Magnus effect. Long story short due to backspin it’s increasing your range pretty much. It’s easy to adjust. Ask players on the field they will show you how to do that. It will take them maximum 2 minutes to explain it and how to do that. It’s super easy. Check graph below it will help you to understand how does it work!

Always when you are peeking&shooting around the corner you must show at least your head. Never blind fire people. You never know how close enemy can be, if he is wearing glasses etc. It’s just safety reasons also it’s just fair play rule. If someone is not respecting that just yell at him.

Stick to the limits of power! Never go over it. You don’t want to hurt someone or be kicked out right? Check your local field limits for each category of the rifle. Also it’s not only safety issue. It’s balancing the game. No one will have overpowered Airsoftgun and outrange others with 30 meters. So it’s just helping in game balance.

Safety first, watch your steps, it’s easy to twist ankle or hit the wall with the head. And never ever take off your glasses during the game. You never know when bb will come. Even if it’s complete silence around, suppressed sniper can take you down without any noise from very far away.

5. How to behave

Don’t think too much about your first game. It will be fine. Just have a smile, good attitude and it will be all fine. Just don’t do dumb things and don’t stress out. Once again no one will judge you. It’s super friendly community (for most of the time) so you will be welcomed in really good way. Believe me freshspawns are treated in special way! Sometimes if I see one on the opposite side in my scope I’m like yah I don’t want to take you down but i must! So yeah. Just go there, don’t stress out it will be good if you will be friendly and kind to others.

Summing it up

Airsoft is super fun sport and can give you a ton of dopamine. You can start this wonderful hobby with just about 250-300$ so it’s definitely affordable for most of the people. Never take your glasses off and don’t buy sniper rifle at the beginning. Check as much as you can and ask as many questions as possible and have as much fun as it’s possible!

Thank you for your attention and I hope you will visit my other Blog Posts here and others places where I share content. YouTube/Facebook (links below) It was pleasure to create this for you! / Michał

My YouTube video about starting airsoft:

Links for my Rifle Setup:






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